Main Gallery


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After horses, art is my other passion, and I am proud to count photographer Zuzanna Lupa among our Saint Pair-bred successes. Photography is a magic medium – a good photographer has the talent to capture feelings, personality, ideas and style into unforgettable pictures. When Zuzanna joined us from Poland in 2010, I quickly noticed her excellent ‘touch’ as a groom. Although she mentioned that she had joined the local photography club to pursue her ‘hobby’, at that point, I didn’t take further notice. However, at the next Christmas party, the staff of Haras de Saint Pair presented me with a most treasured gift: a book of absolutely breathtaking photos of the farm and its horses – shot by… Zuzanna! I was blown away. In the course of the last six years, Zuzanna has developed both of these talents, advancing to broodmare manager, as well as gaining international recognition with her distinctive equine photography.


Andreas Putsch

History Gallery


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