Click on horse’s name (in orange) to access full details and Weatherbys Report.

wdt_ID Name YOB Col Sire Dam Broodmare Sire Rating
5 Glorious Sight 2008 b Singspiel Zelding Warning 114
9 Pearl Banks 2006 b Pivotal Pearly Shells Efisio 108
12 Pearly Steph 2012 b Oasis Dream Pearl Banks Pivotal 102
14 Trois Lunes 2009 bf Manduro Trip To The Moon Fasliyev 108
20 Via Pisa 2012 ch Pivotal Via Medici Medicean 106
30 Girl Friday 2013 b Pivotal Glorious Sight Singspiel 80
37 Glad Eye 2015 b Dansili Glorious Sight Singspiel 87
42 Vadivina 2016 b New Approach Celebre Vadala Peintre Celebre 77
44 Gallic 2016 b Kodiac Gallipot Gallileo 92
45 Stormy Girl 2017 ch Night of Thunder Refusetolisten Clodovil 104

*Owned in partnership